The Hunger Games

23 Mar

Over Spring break, I was able to have some free time to get back to another love of mine, reading.  And in the 4 days I had completely off of softball, classes, and friends, I managed to read all 3 books of The Hunger Games trilogy.  Crazy right, 3 lengthy books in 4 days, but this is normal for me when I’m not busy and it doesn’t hurt that the books were nearly impossible to put down.

But, when it was time for the movie premiere, my friends and I were quick to going to the Midnight premiere on thursday night/friday morning.  I guess I didn’t really know what to expect from the movie, the trailers didn’t really offer much to the action within the movie, but sitting there in the theatre I was on the edge of my seat.  Squirming at all the violence and blood that took place during the games, laughing at all the jokes told, and feeling for the characters.  The movie included almost every important detail that it possibly could in the 2 hours, and with success might I add.  The characters were portrayed they way they should be and the acting was superb, much unlike its vampire counterpart Twilight.

For once, the movie  actually lived up to books 🙂


the Hunger games trailer

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