Lockout (2012)

4 May

I went to the movies again with my roommate and we went and saw “Lockout“.  I hadn’t really seen that many trailers for the movie, but people had told me it was a decent movie to watch.  The movie tells the story of Snow, a man framed for a crime he did not commit but was set up for.  In exchange for not spending his life sentence in a maximum security prison that is housed in space where the prisoners are kept in suspended animation, he is to rescue the President’s daughter Emilie from the prison that was overtaken by inmates in an attempt to escape. 

The movie had a lot of action in it, which I love, but the plot was somewhat unrealistic.  Although set in the far future, it’s quite hard to imagine a time when we would send criminals into space where they are put ‘under’ in hyperbaric chambers until they have successfully slept their way through their sentences-most of which are the worst criminals in the world and therefore serve several life sentences.  

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